Friday, August 31, 2007

One Year Old

I know I am behind on my dates. But I have been so busy that it isn't even funny. Our angel turned One on Tuesday August 28th. We didn't do much on Tuesday. Cause we are having a b-day party with both sides of the family on Saturday. She turned one and now she is a walking fool. That is all she does most of the time now. We are still a drunken walker but it is so cute. I remember the day she came so vividly. It was a moment that changed our lives, and for the good. She has been a very good baby. Rarely is she crabby. Everyone always says you are so lucky to have such a happy baby. She is a precious gift from above that is for sure. So even though I am late Happy Birthday my sweet and precious Baby Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just minutes old!!!!

Meets mommy for the first time!

Cradle Roll pics.

I will post more pics from her party after I get them.

6th's Disease

Here are some pics of what Kaylee looked like when she had 6th's Disease. It ran it's course just like the doctor said it would. The rash never bothered her either. Which is a good thing, cause it looks like it would. So we all survived 6th's Disease!

Now we need to work on some more teeth. We have 2 and have come to a hault. I know don't wish it.

Here are some pics of what Kaylee looked like when she had 6th's Disease.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

childhood Illness'

Okay so why is it that every illness my daughter as gotten in her first year of life as to be viral. "There is nothing you can treat this with." I am beginning to hate that comment. Last Sunday Kaylee started running a temp.. Monday evening still running a temp. Took her to Acute care nothing was found in blood work just watch her. Tuesday seemed fine, ran a low grade temp all day but not as bad as the 2 days prior. Also very clingy not wanting to play and slept alot those 2 days. Wed. daycare called she is all blotchy on her face. I went out to look at her, NOT GOOD. All along her hair line in her ears down her neck, around her eyes. Checked her tummy(had somewhat of a tiny pinpoint red dots on tummy Monday nite, dr said it was from heat). Her tummy was covered with this pin point rash. Took her to the dr he took one look at her and knew exactly what it was. Sixth Disease is what he called it. Also know as Fifths Disease or Roseola. Here is a description of what it is:

Sixth disease: A viral disease of infants and young children with sudden onset of high fever which lasts several days and then suddenly subsides leaving in its wake a fine red rash. The causative agent is herpesvirus type 6 so the disease is known as Sixth Disease. Also known as Exanthem subitum (sudden rash), Pseudorubella, Roseola, Roseola infantilis, and Roseola infantum.

Below are some pics I found on the net. The one of the tummy is what Kaylee's tummy looked like. The one of the side of the face, Kaylee's face didn't look that severe more blotchiness than the rash. The doctor said by Sat or Sun it should be all done. I hope now that we will be one these dang viral infections become much less. I did take pics of Kaylee but don't have them downloaded yet. I hope all you mom's out there don't have to deal with this. It looks worse than it is though. The rash doensn't even bother her.So another childhood illness to record in the baby book.

Monday, August 13, 2007

big moves

So I haven't blogged in awhile. Sorry for those of you that do read this. Which I don't think is alot. Anyways. Since we went on vacation we have had big change happen. First of all I will start with my husband reacting to me working nites on weekends. The weekend after we went on vacation I worked. I worked 3 12 hr nite shifts Fri., Sat. and Sun. He got pissed and threw a fit. Which in turn pissed me off right before I went to work. So that made me even more mad, cause he made me go to work mad. Well I choose to work nites on the weekends cause of daycare. If I work nites during the week I wouldn't get to see my daughter for two days. Which I think is unfair. So on the weekends he is home and I can at least see her before I go to work and after I get home for awhile. He had a fit cause he had to stay in the house all day and all nite with his daughter. Remember his daughter. He was mad cause he couldn't go do stuff without her. To make a long story short I switched my weekends around but don't think it will stay that way.

Well in this process of him staying in the house all weekend he had to see what are house is starting to look like. We live in an old trailor house for those of you that don't know. It is starting to really show its age. So this was one of the deciding factors in my husbands big move. Which is he is taking a different job. My brother works at a body shop at a dealership and they had an opening. He told my husband about it and told him that he should apply. Well after the weekend in the house he decided to apply. This was not any easy decision for him, he has been at his current job for 13 years. It consists of his boss, him and one other guy. So he is good friends with his boss. So it was very hard for him to do this. Even though his boss has mentioned at least weekly since Kaylee has been born. That he wants to get out of the body work. He always talks about closing the shop. So my husbands job has been on edge to what his boss is and was going to do all the time. So this new job has benefits where as the old one didn't. He will get paid 2 dollars an hour more and in a year it will be 2 1/2 more. It is closer to SF. Which in turn is going to be a move to a closer town to his job. Which means a new or newer house for us.

So that is the big news in our family right now. He starts his new job next Monday so cross your fingers for him that he makes the transition smoothly.

Also another big event is in 15 days we will be the parents of a One Year Old. Lots of changes in a year. They grow up so fast. But I love to watch all the different stages and milestones. It is amazing how they catch on to things. Well hope everyone has a good week.

The past couple months.

Cool Slideshows!