So today was my dr appt. I was a little worried since I woke up at 2:30 am having contractions. I ended up taking one of my pills. I took a shower thinking that might help too. A few of them I had were quite painful. Which they haven't been painful yet. I finally got them to calm down and went back to sleep. When I woke up at 8 am I started having them again. Again I took a pill and it seemed to calm them down. I have had a few through out the rest of the day. She is going to keep me on that pill. And since it doesn't take anything to make me contract she has me off work now. She really wants me to be 36 weeks before they don't stop it. So as for now we are just staying home. Being have and taking my pills as long as it isn't really hard labor. She said that the pill I have isn't going to stop the hard labor contractions. So we are byding time right now. She would love to see me at 37 weeks. So we will see what happens. I will be 36 on thursday. I then have another dr appt next Tuesday. So we will see what happens. Even though I am in pain from the hip and pelvic pain I am following the rules and trying to keep him in there as long as possible. So it is day by day now. My mom said when I told her that I am so tired cause I am not sleeping at all because of the pain. She said that maybe that is God's way of preparing me for a baby that doesn't sleep at nite. Which might very well be true. I don't think we can get as lucky as we did with kaylee. So that is the plan and what is going on right now. I will keep this updated. So keep watching one of these days soon it will have pics of this baby that thinks he needs to try to come earlier than he should. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and watching for what happens. Prayers are good too. I will make sure I follow the rules too. So until something new I will update when something happens.
Monday, March 02, 2009
More random pics
Cousin Kelsey and Kaylee after her basket ball game. Kaylee holding muffy at gramma's house. Muffy was so glad to see Kaylee go home!
Posted by Dawn at 5:53 AM 2 comments
Pics from Cousin davids b-day party
Posted by Dawn at 5:43 AM 1 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Well lets see we are trying to have a baby too early. I worked all weekend. I started having a pain in my groin Friday. I thought I pulled a muscle but how was beyond me. Every time I try to move I am in pain. Doesn't matter if I am laying down, sitting or standing. It has just gotten worse everyday. I wasn't trying to complain cause I don't want to be a big baby and a whiner. Well Sunday nite at work it must have irritated my uterus enough to make me start contracting. I ended up a pt instead of working. I work on Labor and Delivery, as a secretary, at the hospital I will deliver at. I was contracting every 2-3 minutes. I was glad my dr was on call to, so I got to see her. I told her about my pain in my groin and pelvic area. I described it to her as it feels like my pelvic bone is being cracked in half. She said oh yeah that is because of your pregnancy. She said that your ligaments slowly relax to get ready for delivery throughout your pregnancy. Well in my case they have loosened to fast. So in turn causes this pain. She said she has had other women come in in a wheelchair to their appointments cause it can get so bad that they can't walk. Unfortunately it probably won't get any better either. So she gave me a shot of medicine called terbutaline to stop the contractions which it did. She told me she would like to get me to 36 weeks if I go early. She also said I am one of those lucky women that has a uterus that lets them feel everything. She called it a twitchy uterus. Yah. Well I went home and Monday only had a couple contractions. Tuesday I woke up had a few before I went to the dr. They said to try to stay quiet. Well I had a funeral and prayer service to go too. I did good for the most of the day. I started having contractions at 6 that nite. By the time I headed home I was having alot. I wanted to get home and take a shower and lay down cause I had been up all day. I thought it would help to lay down. They finally settled down at about 11 pm. I woke up at 5:30 Wed morning and just standing making toast I started having them again. From the time I woke up to 7 am I had about 3 which isn't really enough to worry about. From 7 to 8 I had 4. I was told by my dr that if I had 4 or more in an hour to call and come in. Well by the time we got on the road to go in I was having them pretty much every 2-3 minutes again. So we were back on L & D. Another shot of terb. And they stopped. I was sent home on the pill form of the terb and on bedrest til Monday I am assuming. I have a dr appt on Monday so we will see what she wants to do after that. I am 35 weeks today. When being checked I have dilated a little too. Which I know you can be dilated for a long time. But with being it is my second pregnancy and having contractions like I have had they are a little worried about my cervix changing and they don't want that to happen yet. I am dilated to 1 1/2 and 70% effaced(thickness of my cervix). That is the bad part. The nurse yesterday said the good part is you are getting close to where in a week they will just let me go, and with being my 2nd pregnancy and being dilated already it probably won't take much for me to get delivered. She has been there for years so she kinda knows that stuff. So we are trying to stay as quiet as can be, especially with a 2 yr old at home. I have so much stuff to get done before the baby comes too. So I am try to just do the light and little things to get ready. My husband will be busy this weekend with the big stuff. So I will update what I find out on Monday at my dr appt.
Posted by Dawn at 11:38 AM 3 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I am trying to understand a subject that will never be understood. Why are babies taken to soon? They are so little and innocent, they deserve a better chance at life. We have so many advances in technology and medical advances these days. So why do babies still crash bad and fast if we have all these things. I am sure you are wondering why I am writing this.
No this doesn't have anything to do with the little one in my belly. He is just fine. He is moving as much as space allows him, which isn't alot anymore. He likes to push I am thinking his butt and hoping not his head against my ribs. I am all baby that is for sure and I think he is going to be bigger than Kaylee was.
So why am I talking about babies leaving us too soon. My good friend was in the hospital New Years day cause her water broke. She was only 22 weeks along. She was going to be in the hospital for the remainder of her pregnancy. Two weeks later the placenta started pulling away from the uterine wall. They had to do an emergency c-section. She was at that point 24 weeks and 3 or 4 days along. A viable baby is considered 24 weeks. Christopher came into the world really early. He was doing good though. He was just over a pound at birth. Right after she had him I got sick. So I knew I couldn't go see him. That lasted 2 weeks. I felt so bad cause I couldn't go. But I didn't want to take the chance of him getting sick. Then after that I got a huge cold sore on my lip. Well I knew I couldn't go and see him yet again. So instead his mom and I had dinner a week ago. She showed me pics of him. He was just over 2 pounds a week ago. He was doing so good. He had no other medical problems other than he was very early. Which I know could change at any minute with that early of a birth. Yesterday was not a good day. I got a text from his mom at 10:14 am saying he wasn't doing good. I talked to his uncle at 10:45am and he was no longer with us. I don't understand why babies have to crash so fast it makes a person's head spin. He ended up with any infection in his bowel. They did surgery, remove half of his small bowel and put a colostomy in. The dr's said the next 24 hrs could be crucial. They said that the infection then killed off the rest of his bowel and caused him to go into cardiac arrest. This was her last child. She physically can't have anymore kids. Yes she has 2 of her own and her husband has 2 of his own. This was their first together. And for him his only boy.
I feel so guilty for lots of reasons. 1 that I didn't get a chance to go down and see him. I have a dr appt on Tues and I was going to go see him then. 2 i feel so bad that I still have a healthy baby growing in my belly and I am going to have a healthy baby to bring home. I know I have been told by SEVERAL people that I shouldn't feel guilty for that, even she told me that. Her words to me where I want you to keep your little guy in there and healthy. Which I think would be so hard to say after losing your own baby. So why do babies have to be taken so soon?
I really know the answer, but I just think it is so unfair. I know that he is in a better place. The lord has taken him under his wing. That he is a full term baby now and is happy and healthy. It just sucks. This is the 2nd baby that has had association with us that has died since being pregnant. Granted this one is alot closer to me than the last one.
I am sorry for the sad post. I needed to talked about it though. My husband isn't comfortable with the subject. And I need to get my feelings out so I don't work myself up and cause problems in my pregnancy. So I thought this would be a good place to get my thoughts and feelings out. I knew blogger world would be supportive so this is why I choose here to talk about it. Thank you for listening. I promise my next post will be a happy one.
Posted by Dawn at 12:21 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Okay so I have been really bad. I haven't updated in awhile again. Sorry, this time I have been just busy getting ready for this little guy to come. Getting things in the house ready. Buying things we need and such. I have one more 2 week appointment and then I start weekly appointments. This week I am going to my mom's on Wed to have a sewing day. We are going to make recieving blankets for him. I think my mom will con me into helping her cut out his quilt too. Which is okay cause the receiving blankets probably won't take that long. Tuesday nite I am finally getting my hair done. I have been putting that off for a very long time. I am going to get it cut colored and eyebrows waxed. Then the next week I have a dr appointment. My weeks have one day I have to run for something. The first week in march I am going to get my teeth cleaned. Trying to get all these things done and out of the way before the baby comes.
Baby is good. He is stubborn sometimes. I just got over a really bad cold/crud last week. It kick my butt big time. It doesn't help that they don't let pregnant women take anything anymore. I pretty much had to suffer through it. I am just glad that we didn't have any RSV so far this year. The last 2 years have sucked. I had a dr appointment on Tuesday. I was 33 weeks this Thursday. Tuesday I measured 35 weeks. I haven't gain any weight really so I have a feeling that all of it is going to the baby. Which might mean a bigger baby. Hopefully he will come a little early. Like a week or two wouldn't be bad. Just as long as he doens't decide to come late. But I don't think my dr will let me go over. We are pretty much ready now. I just need to get my house cleaned real good now, so I don't have to worry about it after he gets here. I get wore out fast though so it is taking me awhile to get that accomplished. I have lots of new pics to post but I will save that for tomorrow maybe.
Posted by Dawn at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Baby at 29 weeks and update! Sorry!!!!
So it has been 5 weeks since I posted last. I am so sorry. I have been busy. With having to work x-mas and trying to fit family x-mas' in when I am off has been not been easy. I am good. Baby is good. Growing every day. Kicking harder everyday too. I will be sitting reading all everyone else's blogs(instead of updating my own) and watch my stomach jump all over the place. I had my wonderful glucola test last week. I must have passed cause I haven't gotten a phone call saying I need to do the 3 hr one. I found out that I am measuring big too. About 2 weeks more than what I am. But the dr isn't concerned yet. I shouldn't even say this (cause all the other pregnant women are going to hate me, but remember I started my pregnancy a bigger person) I have only gained 4 pounds. I did the same thing with my daughter too. I didn't gain anything til the end of my pregnancy, and then gained only 13 pounds. So we will see if that happens again or not. So that is what is going on there. As you can see on the sidebar 70 days left.
My daughter is getting so big. She doesn't seem like a 2 yr old sometimes. Her vocabulary is really good for her age. Which I am very pleased about. They come up with the darnedest things sometimes. All the churches in our town still have nativity sets up outside. She knows where every baby Jesus is. We drive by them and it is momma there's baby Jesus. One of them is kiddy corner from our house, she goes to the window and say momma there is baby Jesus. He is sleeping. It is so darn cute. One nite she was home with daddy(momma was at work) she climb on the couch and was looking out the window. She said daddy look the moon, I reach it. Then the next thing she climb down and walked over to him and said I give you the moon daddy. HOW CUTE!!!! Then she took it back and climbed back on the couch and threw it back in the sky. SERIOUSLY! And of course I got to miss it. She will now acknowledged the baby more. She knows it is a baby in my tummy and she knows it is baby Andrew in my tummy. She hasn't really felt it. My husband hasn't for that matter either. Both of our kids have been that way. The minute he puts his hand on my belly they stop moving and the minute he takes it off they start moving again. I don't know why. Considering my daughter is a major daddy's girl. So that is what has been happening in our lives lately.
The clock is ticking down now. I will probably start to get that panic I am not ready for this baby yet feeling alot now. I will try to be better again at posting and keeping my blog updated, especially now that it is getting closer to baby here.
Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.
Posted by Dawn at 9:06 PM 0 comments