Monday, June 16, 2008

Old news

So it has been awhile since I just posted happenings. Well I am hoping that that will get alot better after yesterday. Here is why. We finally got our tax incentive check last friday. My husband told me like 3 months ago that you are going to buy a new computer with that. For one if he didn't want to spend money on something like that he should never have said it. So yesterday I got my new computer. I didn't get a desktop. I got a laptop. So far I love it. Right now I am sitting in my comfortable chair in the living room typing this. It is also nice cause as most of you know we live in a single wide trailor(HAHA)so the living room is in the front of the house. Where our desktop is is in the back of the house where you can't see what is going on outside. SO that is a nice thing too. So this new computer also runs really fast. That was one of my other reasonings for not posting as much, I was using my moms desktop and for some reason her's runs terrible slow. So now I won't get so frustrated when trying to post something. So that is one thing I have new to tell.

Oh yes this is going to be a long post, I gots lots more to tell.

In april my little brother and his fiance got married. They just did a little wedding, they would like to renew their vows in a year. They originally were going to get married in July but a little bundle got in the way. She would have been due the day before the date the had originally set. So they went to the justice of peace and then had a nice reception with family and friends. So now I have an offical new sister-in-law. I really had considered her that before then. There baby is due the
10th of July but I don't think that she will see that date. They are having another boy.

My other brother and his girlfriend got engaged too. The day we went to the zoo, that nite he asked her to marry him. They will probably show up one day married. He doesn't like big groups of people ohing and awing over him. And doesn't like 20 questions. SO I can see him doing that. Not a big deal. They are the ones that have the little precious girl that was born on my 30th b-day.

So now they stuff that I have failed to get posted about us. We now our the owners of a van. I say we are now like everyone our age, I am a soccer mom. The reason I say that is because of what we use to drive. We were considered ol folks before. We use to have a Buick Park Avenue. Our banker when we bought the car asked us why we wanted to buy an ol farts car. So we found a really good deal on a nice van so now we are in the right age bracket.

So that is the oldest news that I haven't gotten posted lately. I will try to get some pics of things here in the next few days if not today.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! The zoo looked like alot of fun. How was the sanford concert? I hope you, Mike and Kaylee are having a good summer. Sean has been playing t-ball and loves it. Sophia is just being herself...dresses, painting nails and barbies.

Kari, you and me need to get together before August. They hired someone else at the other job, so I should have more free time.

Take care,

Dawn said...

I will have a post just for the concert. Let's just say the rascal flats concert made up for the rest. Does Kari have any free time this summer. I am ready to have a weekend at home, but I am not forseeing that anytime soon. Did you get that blog going yet?