Thursday, September 04, 2008

Baby news!

I got a phone call from my docotors office yesterday. They have the perinatoligist read the ultrasounds. He recommended a follow-up ultrasound. The reason is the baby's heart rate was 181. My dr isn't worried. She attributes it to being early. But since they recommended it we are doing it. So monday morning we have another ultrasound. I am a little worried but I think it will be okay. When I was pregnant with my daughter I know in the beginning of my pregnancy her heart rate was 176 highest. As I got farther along it came down to the 140-150 range. So I guess we will see what happens on Monday.


Tess said...

If Kaylee's was high too, I am sure that is what it is. I will keep ya in my prayers too!

Tracy said...

Good luck with the ultrasound on Monday...