Monday, November 10, 2008

Pink or Blue

So today was the big day. Are you all as anxious as we were! Let's start with a few different views.

Here is a view of the baby's foot!

Here is a side profile! Anxiously waiting are you!

Another side profile just closer up! Am I driving anyone nuts yet!

So like I said my husband was positive it was a boy. He has called it a boy from day one. Which I thought was kinda ballsy. Because I didn't want him to get his hopes up so high that he was very disappointed. He told me that he would be disappointed for a short while but if it was another girl he was okay with that. The last two days we have asked Kaylee if she wants a baby brother or sister. Usually she will say whatever you said last. So this time she said baby brother. We asked brother or sister and then sister or brother and her response was baby brother both times. I don't know if she really knows what that means but it is cute that is for sure. Oh was I suppose to be announcing something. That is right I was going to announce if we will be keeping pink or buying blue!

Well the verdict is in and............................................................................................................................................................................................................

We will be buying BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Andrew Joseph aka AJ will be joining our family the end of March or very beginning of April. Let's just say that my husband is very happy. THe baby is doing very good. He is growing good. His arms and legs are actually 95%tile for his gestational age. My dr said that is tall. Well for those of you that don't know us well my husband is 6ft 4in, his older brother is 6ft 6in, his younger brother is 6ft 10in, his dad is his height and his mom is 5ft 8in. So nobody is short in his family. And Kaylee has always been 75%tile for her height. So now I get to go through all of kaylee's older clothes find the one's that I want for keepsakes and then find someone to buy them or take them to a consignment shop so we can start getting a blue wardrobe. So there you have it. The big news for the day!


Jamey said...

I'm happy for your husband...who was so sure it was a boy!! It will be fun for you to have one of both. How fun!! Congrats!!!

Kari said...

WOW! That is a revealing shot! I think I'll be calling him by his nickname lol! I'm really happy that you got exactly what you wanted. I'm also glad that he's healthy.

Tracy said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! It is sooo fun to have one of each. Have fun buying BLUE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!!!! I so excited for you, Mike and Kaylee! Can't wait till the 22nd so we can talk baby! See you then!


Jennifer said...

YAY! Congratulations! :o)
Thanks for the heads up on my blog... it's been crazy for the past 2 weeks. I hope you are feeling great and enjoying looking at all those little boy toys!

Amber said...

I had to come to your blog to see what all that "blue" talk was about!
Sure, give me a call!!

Anonymous said...

Such excitement! We never found out what our kids were going to be until the birth, but it sure is fun to find out with other people in advance.

Tess said...

Congrats!! So happy for you and your family!!
I also love the pictures!! He is going to be a looker I can just tell! :)