Wednesday, December 12, 2007

To be or not to be?

To be or not to be that is the question. The subject to be or not to be pregnant. I had my wonderful annual about 3 or 4 weeks ago. I was talking to her about my headaches I get with my wonderful monthly friend. I am beginning to think they are hormonal, obviously if that is when I get them. Well I told her I don't want to go on any kind of birth control, cause I know people have said that will help alleviate them. My reasoning is this. It took us 3 years to get pregnant with our daughter. We did all the testing to make sure there wasn't anything wrong. I had a very emotional time those three years especially the last one. I was stressed out a good year of that trying, when my brothers were in Iraq. And I started to not like my job. Well I got a new job and my brothers came home. Still nothing. That is when I began to think I was going crazy. I had 2 people that got pregant that I had major issues with. The one was not fit to be parents and I still think that way now. I just couldn't understand why we couldn't have the chance to be parents. I ask the Lord almost daily why can't we show you that we could be good parents and raise our child to know you and follow you. Then the days would come every month when I would cry for 24-48 hrs straight and get mad at the wrong person. Emotionally I couldn't take it anymore. My husband thought it was all his fault and he wouldn't talk about it. I need to talk about it. I went to a doctors appointment in tears and told them I thought I was turning into a nut case. They said no you are right were you are suppose to be. I thought that was a nut case answer. I finally watched a baby story that changed my way of thinking. The couple were both married before. The husband had been told in his first marriage that he wouldn't be able to have kids because his count was so low. So when he got remarried they were okay with the fact that they would probably never have kids. The story was for their second child. I don't know why that made me relax but it did. I think it was maybe a month month and a half later that we were pregnant.

So I told my dr that that is why I don't want to go on birth control. Because when Kaylee turns two I want to either be pregnant or start trying. She look at me and said I don't think you should wait until she is two. I think that you should start trying now and if your not pregnant by april you need to call us. So I don't know if I should activelly try or just wait and see. I am ready but I would also like to loose some weight before I get pregnant again. So I am running circles in my mind. To be pregnant or not to be, that is the question.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Holiday Home Tour

Holiday Home Tour!
Heidi Jo is hosting a Holiday Home Tour Extravaganza go here: to see more Holiday Homes.

Here is a tour of our home. I actually am a late decorator this year. I had to get rid of a baby swing before I could decorate. I don't have alot of room in my home. So on with the tour.

This is one of the stockings hung by the window.

Every year since we have been together my husband buys me a Pr*ecious Moments X-mas bulb, they all have little stands with the year on it. I do have two different ones from the same year. I bought the extra one.

I actually keep these out all year long with my Pr*ecious Moments wedding figurines, this is one of the bulbs and my sister in law got me the other figurine in that year for x-mas.

This is my generic Pr*ecious Moments nativity set. It isn't real Pr*ecious Moments but it will do until someone in my family finally gets what I ask for x-mas. I have been asking for 4 years now for a real pr*ecious moments nativity set. Someday or I will have to do it myself.

The tree is decorated with gold bulbs and pr*ecious moments ornaments. Can you tell I like Pr*ecious Moments.

Every year(since I moved out on my own) for my birthday my mom gets me the pr*ecious moments ornament for that year. It obviously has the year on it. This is 2007's ornament.

This one says our first x-mas together. She gave that to me the first year me and mike were together.

2006's ornament

And I think this was 2001.

I have one for every year since 2000. And then I have plastic ones I have bought along the way. So that is my tour, thanks for touring my home.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

You Belong in Fall

Intelligent, introspective, and quite expressive at times...
You appreciate the changes in color, climate, and mood that fall brings
Whether you're carving wacky pumpkins or taking long drives, autumn is a favorite time of year for you

Late but here she is!

I know it is kinda past, but here she is. This is my niece, Gretchen Louise, that was born on my 30th b-day. This is the day she was born. 9lbs even. She is a sweetheart!

No your eyes are not deceiving you, I actually posted a pic with me in it. This is Gretchen and me.

Here is a pic of Kaylee and a puppy my mom sold on Sunday.

We went and visited the new family on Sunday. So here is a new pic of the baby!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

ICE In Case of Emergency

I got this in an email and thought that this warrented a post! It is a very good idea I hope that nobody ever has to use it but if they do I hope me passing it along helped. Thanks for emailing it to me Kari.

We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its
memory but nobody, other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers
belong to our closest family or friends.

If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people
attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn't know who to call.
Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact
person in case of an emergency? Hence this 'ICE' (In Case of Emergency)

The concept of 'ICE' is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during
emergency situations. As cell phones are carried by the majority of the
population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or
persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name 'ICE'
( In Case Of Emergency).

The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to
the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients,
but they didn't know which number to call. He therefore thought that it
would be a good idea if there were a nationally recognized name for this
purpose. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and
hospital Staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply
dialing the number stored as 'ICE.'

For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc.
A great idea that will make a difference!

Let's spread the concept of ICE by storing an ICE number in our mobile
phones today.

Please forward this. It won't take too many 'forwards' before everybody
will know about this. It really could save your life, or put a loved one's
mind at rest .

ICE will speak for you when you are not able to speak for yourself.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Birthdays Birthdays and more Birthday's

Okay so you know that my mother in laws birthday was the 2nd. We went to spend the evening with her, when we got home there was a message on our answering machine. First I should tell you that we have been expecting 2 babys any day now. Our good friends were pregnant with there 3rd little boy. My brother and his girlfriend were pregnant with there 1st, unknown gender. I swore it was a boy. Okay so I knew that my brother and his girlfriend went into the hospital at 3am Friday morning. So back the the message. It was from Todd our good friend. They had there 3rd boy at 7:15 last nite. Awesome!!!! Well this morining my mom called at like 5 something, my brother is now the proud new daddy of a 9 pound baby.............can you the suspense killing you.............was I right..............GIRL!!!!!!!!!! I about fell out of bed when I heard that. They had all boy clothes when I was at there house last. I was sure they knew and wasn't telling anyone. I am still in utter shock. I was so sure it was a boy. GIRL!!!!!!!!!

So now my husband shares his birthday with a friends little girl, my mother in law shares her birthday with our friends little boy, Kaylee my daughter shares her birthday with her uncle and now I share my birthday with my niece. COOOL!!!!

Friday, November 02, 2007


I know I know 3 post on one day with minutes of each other. Sorry I had alot to share! So my mother-inlaws b-day is today and Yes you seen that right my 30th b-day is tomorrow. Yes I am not excited to turn 30. I will get over it though. I also might be sharing it with a new niece or nephew. If not born already and we just don't know. I know they are in the process. Anyways so here is our little pink poodle in the above pics. We hit maybe 5 houses is all. But that is okay. Now mommy wont' have temptation in the house! Hope everyone has a good weekend. Will post pics of party and new baby as soon as I get them.

Happy B-day Mommy!

Tomorrow is my mommy's b-day. I love my mommy sooooo much. She is going to be 30. Mommy will post pics after her surprise b-day party that got leaked and is not so much a surprise anymore.

Happy B-day MOMMY! I love you!!!!

Happy B-day GrammaM!

Today is GrammaM's b-day! I am gramma's girl as you can see! Happy B-day Gramma!

Love Kaylee

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Ignore the date on the pictures. It got changed on my camera. So it is not right.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

? 9 months ago

So I think we all at work have figured out what everybody was doing 9 months ago. We had many of the pic below last nite at work. We were having a hard time keeping rooms open. For awhile we had no rooms. But that has been the last several months. Average month is 300 babies.

So now that I can barely keep my eyes open. I woke up Tues at 11 am and am now going to bed on Wed 7:30am... I always do that to myself though. I never sleep the first day that I work a nite shift. I work again tonite. Then off for a few days. If I start to make no sense at all ignore me!!!!!!! I am going to bed now. Have a good day.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

The Mom Song

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Did you know and update

So yesterday was my 2nd meeting. I was so not looking forward to it. I had a stressful week at work last week. We have been so busy. 200 and some babies is 20 some days can make a person busy. So needless to say I didn't eat quite right. Then this weekend we had a wedding. Which Kaylee got crabby at and was kinda stressing momma out. So needless to say I didn't pass on cake. Plus we were gone all weekend. Ate alot of fast food cause we weren't home. So last nite I was expecting to either stay the same or gain. The scale was so nice to me. I lost 4 pounds which is a good thing. Cause the last time I joined the 2nd meeting I gained. Which I think is the reason I quit so fast. I got extremely discouraged immediately. So this was a good start. I have been behaving the last few days. So that is my update. Hopefully next week is even better.

Below is an email I got today from my cousin. It makes me sick that she is making that much money. I would die just to get enough money to be debt free, buy 2 nice vehicles and a new house. That is all I want. Do you think she would give to a good charity (HaHa)!

Oprah Winfrey made $260,000,000 from June of 06 to June of 07. Yes, on a check that would be Two Hundred and Sixty Million Dollars. Here is a further breakdown of her 1 year earnings.

Oprah earned:
One Year = $260,000,000
Per Month = $21,666,667
Per Day = $712,328 (that's more than the NFL league minimum for an entire season)
Per Hour = $29,680 (that's roughly the average yearly income for an american individual)
Per Minute = $494.673 (roughly an average persons weekly wage)
Per Second = $8.24 (That's right. Everyt ime Oprah breathes in and then exhales,, she makes around $16.48 cents.)

Monday, September 24, 2007

My Issue

Everybody has issues in there life. Whether it be personal, finacial, emotional you get the idea. Well I don't know if those of you that have read my blog for awhile have ever noticed there is NO pictures of me. There is a reason. I don't want you to see me. Why? My issue is my weight. And first of all this is not an easy post for me. Let's just say I have been down about this subject for awhile. This is my way of trying to help myself do something about it. My thinking is maybe if I tell my blogger friends(which if you read this I hope I can say that)that I will get the support I so deperately need. What do I mean. Well first off, I LOVE my husband. But he does not understand my issue at all. WHen he was a senior in high school he was 160 lbs at 6 ft 4in. He was way to skinny. Now he is 220. He was sick for 2 days and lost 10lbs. He does not know what it is like to have to lose weight. In the spring/summer he looses weight. In the winter/fall he will put on weight. Not alot. After Kaylee was born he lost like 20 lbs. Not even trying mind you. Well I gained 13 lbs while I was pregnant with her. I have put on all my weight after she was born. I am not happy in my skin. I have bought maybe 2 articles of clothing in the last year for myself. I hate to go shopping for me. I try to stay away from a mirror at all cost. I do not go anywhere on my days off cause I don't want to be seen if I don't have to. My daughter is the only thing that has kept me from going into a deep depression because of it. I know this is turning into a not so good post. But I need to do this.

So today I have decided that I am so ready for a change. I need to find support. I need to explain to my husband how he HAS to help me help myself. Which I still don't know how to do that. I decided I am going to talk about the issue in my blog so I have to either read it, or talk about it to those of you that might comment on it. That way I will have the will to do something about it. So that those of you anticipating the news of how it is going I won't disappoint. My other step is to join Weight Watchers. I have been in the progam before. The very first time I lost 50 lbs. So I know it works. There is a meeting in the next town close to us.(about 8 miles away)

So I am going to make a promise to myself. But for all to see so that hopefully it will motivate me to be successful.
I promise to myelf to start my journey to lose the unhappiness from my life that is my weight problem. I want to be able to go to a store and buy clothes and not get mad and leave with nothing. I want to shed the pounds so that in a year I don't have to worry about how much more I will have to lose after the 2nd child. I want to be able to enjoy, my daughter and the next child, happily and not misirably. I want to be able to show my blogger friends pics of me and my family without feeling like a fool because of my weight. I want to look in the mirror and not be ashamed of what I look like. I want to be able to leave my house and not be ashamed of letting people see me. So today I am promising to MYSELF to start a journey to become healthy, happy and to become the person I can see in my mind who and what I want to look like.

So here is the start of a new journey. I want to thank those of you that want to come on that journey to see me through it now. It is going to be long and sometimes hard. But I know that if i find the right support I can do it right. So wish me luck and I guess stay tuned for a happier, healthier and hopefully smaller me in the months to come.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Awesome Website !

This is an awesome website. You can speak your mind and be descreet about it. That is a great thing. Everyone should check this website out.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

People I dispise

These people take advantage of what most couples die to have!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Bapa!

Today is my dad's birtday. He is the best dad I know. Even though growing up he might have be stern and rough around the edges. He is still a great father. Cause of that I learned to be who I am. I thank him for that. The first pic is the father/daughter dance on my wedding day, the other 2 pics are the day Kaylee was born and the weekend after she was born. They are my favorite pics. And I don't have any older pics on my computer.



Monday, September 10, 2007

Bottles Part 2

So my reason for the bottles subject is this. When we were at the doctor for our 12 mos. check-up we talked about the bottle. First I want to tell you about a relative that has given us the will to get rid of the bottle as soon as we can. Our nephew turned 3 this last March. At Kaylee's 6mos check up the doctor told us to start transitioning her to a sippy cup. Which I guess I didn't find hard. Because her cousin (who was 3) was still sucking on a bottle. About a month ago we heard that he was supposedly off the bottle completely. Not true. A week before Kaylee's 1st b-day we found out he just got off the bottle. Kaylee has only been getting a bottle before bed since she was 6 mos old. So at our 12 mos check the doctor told me she wants the bottle gone by 15 mos.. Her doctor appt was the 31st of Aug. We are going on a week of absolutely no bottle. It has been a breeze of a transition. Don't get me wrong we still have a pacifier though. That I think is going to be a hard one to get rid of. We are trying to only use it for naps and bedtime though.


I came across this today and couldn't believe there was such a thing. It is intresting to say the least. I personally think of laziness when I see it. What do you think?

Friday, September 07, 2007

The Big Party!

I spent 5 hours making these cakes for her party! Tiring!!!!!!

She was so into the balloons, for one they were where she couldn't get to them and they were going crazy because of the wind. Then gramma and bapa L showed up with shades for her. She kept them on the whole day. I can't get her to keep them on now to save my soul.

This is one of her gifts! The gift giver was busy the rest of the time being a chauffer!

And last but not least CAKE TIME! She knew she was a star can you tell. Even though she was a little crabby that day. But she also had her shots the day before. So I blame it on them. I tell you what I am glad this is only once a year. Mom, Dad and Kaylee were all exhausted after this. Even so it was a good day and worked out wonderfully. I still cannot believe she is One!

Friday, August 31, 2007

One Year Old

I know I am behind on my dates. But I have been so busy that it isn't even funny. Our angel turned One on Tuesday August 28th. We didn't do much on Tuesday. Cause we are having a b-day party with both sides of the family on Saturday. She turned one and now she is a walking fool. That is all she does most of the time now. We are still a drunken walker but it is so cute. I remember the day she came so vividly. It was a moment that changed our lives, and for the good. She has been a very good baby. Rarely is she crabby. Everyone always says you are so lucky to have such a happy baby. She is a precious gift from above that is for sure. So even though I am late Happy Birthday my sweet and precious Baby Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just minutes old!!!!

Meets mommy for the first time!

Cradle Roll pics.

I will post more pics from her party after I get them.

6th's Disease

Here are some pics of what Kaylee looked like when she had 6th's Disease. It ran it's course just like the doctor said it would. The rash never bothered her either. Which is a good thing, cause it looks like it would. So we all survived 6th's Disease!

Now we need to work on some more teeth. We have 2 and have come to a hault. I know don't wish it.

Here are some pics of what Kaylee looked like when she had 6th's Disease.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

childhood Illness'

Okay so why is it that every illness my daughter as gotten in her first year of life as to be viral. "There is nothing you can treat this with." I am beginning to hate that comment. Last Sunday Kaylee started running a temp.. Monday evening still running a temp. Took her to Acute care nothing was found in blood work just watch her. Tuesday seemed fine, ran a low grade temp all day but not as bad as the 2 days prior. Also very clingy not wanting to play and slept alot those 2 days. Wed. daycare called she is all blotchy on her face. I went out to look at her, NOT GOOD. All along her hair line in her ears down her neck, around her eyes. Checked her tummy(had somewhat of a tiny pinpoint red dots on tummy Monday nite, dr said it was from heat). Her tummy was covered with this pin point rash. Took her to the dr he took one look at her and knew exactly what it was. Sixth Disease is what he called it. Also know as Fifths Disease or Roseola. Here is a description of what it is:

Sixth disease: A viral disease of infants and young children with sudden onset of high fever which lasts several days and then suddenly subsides leaving in its wake a fine red rash. The causative agent is herpesvirus type 6 so the disease is known as Sixth Disease. Also known as Exanthem subitum (sudden rash), Pseudorubella, Roseola, Roseola infantilis, and Roseola infantum.

Below are some pics I found on the net. The one of the tummy is what Kaylee's tummy looked like. The one of the side of the face, Kaylee's face didn't look that severe more blotchiness than the rash. The doctor said by Sat or Sun it should be all done. I hope now that we will be one these dang viral infections become much less. I did take pics of Kaylee but don't have them downloaded yet. I hope all you mom's out there don't have to deal with this. It looks worse than it is though. The rash doensn't even bother her.So another childhood illness to record in the baby book.

Monday, August 13, 2007

big moves

So I haven't blogged in awhile. Sorry for those of you that do read this. Which I don't think is alot. Anyways. Since we went on vacation we have had big change happen. First of all I will start with my husband reacting to me working nites on weekends. The weekend after we went on vacation I worked. I worked 3 12 hr nite shifts Fri., Sat. and Sun. He got pissed and threw a fit. Which in turn pissed me off right before I went to work. So that made me even more mad, cause he made me go to work mad. Well I choose to work nites on the weekends cause of daycare. If I work nites during the week I wouldn't get to see my daughter for two days. Which I think is unfair. So on the weekends he is home and I can at least see her before I go to work and after I get home for awhile. He had a fit cause he had to stay in the house all day and all nite with his daughter. Remember his daughter. He was mad cause he couldn't go do stuff without her. To make a long story short I switched my weekends around but don't think it will stay that way.

Well in this process of him staying in the house all weekend he had to see what are house is starting to look like. We live in an old trailor house for those of you that don't know. It is starting to really show its age. So this was one of the deciding factors in my husbands big move. Which is he is taking a different job. My brother works at a body shop at a dealership and they had an opening. He told my husband about it and told him that he should apply. Well after the weekend in the house he decided to apply. This was not any easy decision for him, he has been at his current job for 13 years. It consists of his boss, him and one other guy. So he is good friends with his boss. So it was very hard for him to do this. Even though his boss has mentioned at least weekly since Kaylee has been born. That he wants to get out of the body work. He always talks about closing the shop. So my husbands job has been on edge to what his boss is and was going to do all the time. So this new job has benefits where as the old one didn't. He will get paid 2 dollars an hour more and in a year it will be 2 1/2 more. It is closer to SF. Which in turn is going to be a move to a closer town to his job. Which means a new or newer house for us.

So that is the big news in our family right now. He starts his new job next Monday so cross your fingers for him that he makes the transition smoothly.

Also another big event is in 15 days we will be the parents of a One Year Old. Lots of changes in a year. They grow up so fast. But I love to watch all the different stages and milestones. It is amazing how they catch on to things. Well hope everyone has a good week.

The past couple months.

Cool Slideshows!

Friday, July 20, 2007

We are off!

Well we are officially going on vacation as of today. We are going to the cities with two other couples that are our close friends. One couple and us are camping. That is going to be interesting. The only good thing is that the camper we are using is really nice. Better than a hotel. We will be at a twins game tonite. And depending on how hot it is tomorrow the plan was to go to a car show. But the one friend is pregant and with Kaylee will be the determining factor if the girls and maybe 2 of the kids go to that. I am sure we will take in the Mall of America too. Monday is back home. It isn't terribly long but with an 11month, 2yrs and 5yr old it will probably feel very long. Will post pics when we get home. Have a good weekend everyone and try to stay cool.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Kaylee playing with the puppy


FINALLY!!!!!! Even though most of you moms that have already experienced this will probably tell me I am crazy. Kaylee is finally getting teeth. Okay 1 tooth. I am so happy though. I know it is good the longer they are under the better the teeth but it is so hard when it comes to food. She doesn't eat baby food anymore. And finding foods that we eat that are appropriate for her is not an easy task these days. She wants everything that we are eating. And that is not always easy with no teeth. So I may be insaine for being happy but I am happy she is finally getting them. I also am glad cause I feel like she is behind when it comes to that. She is 10 months old. I know many her age and younger that have almost a mouth full of teeth. I know she really isn't behind but it just feels like it. So far we have had one bad nite and whiny crabby. I am sure I will be eating my words about this subject sooner than later.

So to the moms out there your advice with teething would be greatly appriciated.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Strange house

Isn't is amazing what some people can do! You hope they put that talent to good use.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Still Busy

So just as Kaylee was getting over her wonderful Croup. Daddy decided it would be a good time to get sick too. And I am talking on death bed sick. So sick he actually went to the doctor voluntarly. Let me tell ya people that is sick. It is like pulling teeth to get him to go and get his asthma checked on a regular basis. Also when he is sick he won't stay home from work. Okay mind you most of his illness' are cold chest type illness'. He has asthma, it was severe when he was a child, it has gotten better since he has gotten older. Okay the next thing is he works in a body shop. Paint dust all the wonderful things you shouldn't inhale especially if your sick. The first day of this misable illness this week he still went to work. I come home from work and he can't hardly hold his daugter. I told him to stay home the next day. Well he went to the doctor and believe it or not he was sick enough he stayed home. So that has been fun to deal with.

My mother in law is now home from the hospital. Which is a relief and not. I am still worried about the next few weeks to come. Her husband drives tour bus and is leaving the end of next week. So trying to find her help with dogs and house chores is the biggest worry right now. Her husband is going to be gone for a month. Her one son lives there but he drives truck so he is pretty much gone during the week. I plan on being there every day I have off, which I work 3 12hr shifts a week, so it is going to be interesting to see how the next few weeks go.

Other than that I don't know much else for now. Will probably post pics later. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Try to stay cool.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Okay so I have so much to do and not a whole lot of days to do it in. I am suppose to work Tues, Wed and Thurs. . I say it that way cause depending on how Kaylee is is if I do work. She is misrable, besides the wonderful cough she is so stuffed up she can hardly breathe. SO I really need to take her back to the doctor. Can't today though. At 3:30 we are going to talk to our banker about the house we want to buy. Which is 20 miles south of us, then we get to drive 60 miles back north to go see my mother in law in the hospital. She had surgery today. So today isn't going to work unless we go to acute care like we did last Thurs. which probably wouldn't be a bad idea. Sorry if I sound like I am talking to myself. I have a friend from Rapid City coming to see us this weekend so besides the other stuff I need to clean my house desprately. Well if I work all my scheduled days they are 12 hour shifts, no getting it done then. So I guess that leaves Friday. And we might end up back at the bank that day if things go good. I would guess anyways. I could use a clone right now. Better yet a maid. SO I might not be posting for awhile. Well that is all for now got to try and get some stuff done before 2 pm.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


I don't know how or where. And it is the wrong season. My daughter has croup. Let me tell you that is the most painful sounding thing for such a little person. She is so horse and cough is terrible. All I know is a week is to long to wait. The doctor said it would take a week for her to get over it. She got a steriod shot to help it. Other than that there is nothing that they can do for it other than let it run it's course. Just like RSV. Not fun. Hopefully it will be done soon.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


No other words. SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!

Lazy Days

To be able to do this, this is the life. Lay and watch the world go by. We found this guy today in a tree in our front yard.